Let us know if you have any questions about our clubs here at Beverly, or if you plan to start your own club! We'd love to help.
Looking for a specific club?
Meet Your ASB Officers
Maia Yosef,
Head Row President
Ryan Abrishami,
Head Row Vice President
Audrey Labib,
Head Row Secretary
Camilla Wolff,
Head Row Treasurer
Jonathan Artal,
Board Member Rep.
Jackson Stewart,
Senior President
Brian Harward,
Senior Vice President
Tony Shim,
Senior Treasurer
Daniel Zahabian,
Senior Rep
Oliver Bral,
Senior Rep
Wesley Wu,
Junior President
Sean Toobi,
Junior Vice President
Cameron Weisfeld,
Junior Treasurer
Seth Pizzurro,
Junior Rep
Adriel Ghadushi,
Junior Rep
Aaron Rahmani,
Sophomore President
Louis Chung,
Sophomore Vice President
Noah Kaiserman,
Sophomore Treasurer
Maddy Nassirzadeh,
Sophomore Rep
Thomas Recupero,
Sophomore Rep
Elan Amirianfar,
Freshman Rep
Natasha Melamed,
Freshman Rep
Shayna Eastman,
Freshman Rep
Michael Newman,
Freshman Rep
Madison Heller,
Freshman Rep
Nahal Sarafian,
Freshman Rep
Jonathan Tansey,
Benjamin Cohan,
KBEV Liason
Julien Farahmand,
Athletics & Attendance
Jared Kurtz,
Audio Tech & Videography
Greg Carter,
DJ & Lunch Activity Planning
Chloe Levian,
ASB Cards
Rachel Galen,
Sarabeth Tansey,
Highlights (PR) Liason
Kiana Sedighpour,
Teacher/Student Relations
Estella Rosen,
Publicity & Social Media
Sarah Yadidian,
Norman News
Jonathan Meshkani,
Graphics & Apparel
Hi! Welcome to Beverly's first site dedicated to our extracurricular activities! As club commissioner, I have made it my mission to increase student involvement in extracurricular programs, events, activities, and groups by making it easier. With this site, my hope is to create a space where students can access all the information they need.
Extracurricular programs are what make high school a little less high school-ly.
Beverly Hills High School offers much more than a well-rounded education. Our atmosphere is truly made up of our flamboyant and imaginative clubs. I plan to remind students that our clubs and programs are both incredible and beneficial. As an experienced president, vice president, captain, and leader our groups here on campus, I offer ideas and knowledge like no other. I hope to see greater involvement in our programs and hope it creates a ripple for years to come.
Every student should know about every club, every meeting being held, and everything in between.
Samantha Boudaie,
Club Commissioner
Jennifer Goolsby,
ASB Advisor (a.k.a. our backbone)